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RINNO Project Launch – Greenstruct Press Release (English)
GREENSTRUCT is a multidisciplinary technical company that works alongside forward-thinking professionals in creating energy efficient, high visual impact signature architecture, offering a complete series of innovative Glass Technologies. To that end, GREENSTRUCT will be participating in an international consortium of market-leading companies, as an industrial partner, in a prestigious EU funded project called RINNO. RINNO [...]
RINNO Media Coverage | August 2021
RINNO Media Coverage August 2021 Round up of RINNO media coverage for August 2021. EnergyPress (Greek) Εργατική πολυκατοικία στον Ταύρο μετατρέπεται σε κτίριο σχεδόν μηδενικής ενεργειακής κατανάλωσης https://energypress.gr/news/ergatiki-polykatoikia-ston-tayro-metatrepetai-se-ktirio-shedon-midenikis-energeiakis-0 19/08/2021 Energia (Greek) Greenpeace: Ενεργειακή Αναβάθμιση Εργατικής Πολυκατοικίας στον Ταύρο Μέσω του Προγράμματος RINNO https://www.energia.gr/article/180135/greenpeace-energeiakh-anavathmish-ergatikhs-polykatoikias-ston-tayro-meso-toy-programmatos-rinno 06/08/2021 EcoPress (Greek) RINNO: το ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα ενάντια στην ενεργειακή φτώχεια https://ecopress.gr/rinno-to-evropaiko-programma-enantia-stin-energeiaki-ftocheia/ [...]
RINNO: Apartment Building Shows Almost Zero Energy Consumption (Greek)
Ξεκίνησε το ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα H2020 RINNO για την ενεργειακή αναβάθμιση μίας εργατικής πολυκατοικίας στον Ταύρο. Η πολυκατοικία θα αναβαθμιστεί ενεργειακά σύμφωνα με το πρότυπο του Παθητικού Κτιρίου, καθιστώντας την ως ένα από τα πρώτα υφιστάμενα κτίρια σχεδόν μηδενικής ενεργειακής κατανάλωσης (nZEB). Το Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παθητικού Κτιρίου (Ε.Ι.Π.Α.Κ.) σε συνεργασία με το Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας & [...]
RINNO Project Launch – NAPE Press Release (English)
NAPE will participate in an EU project worth 4.8 million euro to support the pace and scale of energy efficiency improvement in EU residential buildings through new technologies and business models. The four-year RINNO project , funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program, focuses on developing solutions for the construction industry to accelerate the (threefold) pace [...]
RINNO Project Launch – CIRCE Press Release (English)
CIRCE will participate in the €4.8 million project RINNO to address energy efficiency in residential homes in the European Union (EU) through new technologies, processes and business models. This includes employing new materials, assembly using robots and cobots, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and public capital financing through the Blockchain system. The four-year RINNO [...]
RINNO Project Launch – The Hellenic Institute of Passive Building (HPHI) Press Release (English)
The HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF PASSIVE BUILDING (HPHI) will participate in an EU project worth €4.8 million to address the issue of energy efficiency in EU residential buildings through innovative technologies, business and procedural models. This includes the use of new materials and components. , artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and equity financing using Blockchain. [...]
RINNO Project Launch – Northumbria University (UNN) Press Release (English)
Northumbria partners in €4.8m EU housing energy efficiency project Northumbria University has been chosen to participate in the €4.8 million RINNO project to tackle the issue of renovating residential buildings in Europe to make them more energy efficient. More than three-quarters of European residential buildings were constructed before 1990. Many are thermal inefficient and of [...]
Project Launch – DCU Press Release (English)
New research at DCU to tackle energy efficiency in European housing The Irish Institute of Digital Business at Dublin City University will lead the business research on a new €4.8 million EU project to tackle the issue of energy efficiency in EU residential buildings. The four-year project called RINNO will focus on developing solutions for [...]
RINNO Media Coverage | July 2020
RINNO Media Coverage July 2020 Round up of the press coverage for RINNO for July 2020. Ecozen RINNO: Φιλόδοξο ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα για την ενεργειακή απόδοση κτιρίων https://ecozen.gr/2020/07/rinno-filodoxo-eyropaiko-programma-tin-energeiaki-apodosi-ktirion/ 01/07/2020 Energy Press ΕΕ: Εργο 4,8 εκατ. για εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας στα σπίτια https://energypress.gr/news/ee-ergo-48-ekat-gia-exoikonomisi-energeias-sta-spitia 01/07/2020 Euro 2day ΕΕ: Εργο 4,8 εκατ. για εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας στα σπίτια https://www.euro2day.gr/news/economy/article/2030867/ee-ergo-48-ekat-gia-exoikonomhsh-energeias-sta-spi.html 01/07/2020 B2Green [...]
RINNO Media Coverage | June 2020
RINNO Media Coverage June 2020 Round up of RINNO media coverage for June 2020 . Silicon Republic DCU to help research ultra-efficient buildings as part of €4.8m EU project https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/dcu-ultra-efficient-buildings-rinno 29/06/2020 Irish Tech News New research at DCU to tackle energy efficiency in European housing https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/dcu-ultra-efficient-buildings-rinno 29/06/2020 Engineers Ireland DCU research project to tackle energy [...]