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HELLENIC PASSIVE HOUSE INSTITUTE (HPHI) was founded in 2012 in Athens, and is a non-profit organisation consisting of stakeholders and members paying a yearly membership fee. The organisation was established following a decision to combine the expertise of professionals from the fields of Engineering, Law and Communication in order to promote Passive House principles in the building sectors of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean.
HPHI has become a leadership organisation in Greece for the adoption of the Passive House standard and it’s methodology. Through its activities the Institute promotes the reduction of building energy use and the reduction of carbon emissions, while prioritising health and living comfort, as the main principles of passive house design. They have also recognised the power of social media, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, in promoting their work and actively use it as an influential method of information sharing, as well as a method of raising the interest and influencing the public awareness of energy performance in buildings, carbon emissions, health and living comfort.
HPHI exhibits substantial research and innovation activity in the fields of deep energy renovation and passive house and NZEB implementation. The Institute employs a high quality group of personnel for the design, development and implementation applications and services according to the passiv house concept , while it participates in research networks with assorted institutes all over the world.
HPHI will bring in the consortium the technical expertise on design and development of deep energy renovation in NZEB levels using the passive house concept and the PHPP, DesignPH and DistrictPH analysis. It will also improve and use training schemes for professionals and craftsmen. HPHI will also lead the Greek Demonstration Site.
Stefan Pallantzas is a Civil Engineer, President of Board, Certified PH Designer and Building Certifier. Pallantzas graduated from the German School of Athens and studied Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, where he specialised in the timescale and financial planning of major projects. For nearly twenty years he was working on project management and technical support for equipment and supplies in major projects, such as Attiki Odos, the Egnatia Motorway, the Patras-Athens-Thessaloniki Motorway, sewage and management of liquid and solid waste projects in many Greek cities.
Dr Ioannis Pappas is a Mechanical Engineer, Secretary of Board, Accredited Trainer. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a senior consultant in Carbon Finance and Energy Markets, a Coordinator / Manager for more than 20 National & EU Research Projects and has been a Research Fellow in Joint Research Centre for ENERGY, European Commission.
Dimitris Pallantzas is a Building Physicist, Certified PH Consultant, Accredited Trainer, Component Certification Assessor, Head of Training Activities. In 2017 he completed his Internship at the Passive House Institut Dr. Wolfgang Feist, where he was trained on the design and implementation of the passive house concept in large multifamily buildings and districts. He completed his diploma on the same subject while he was certified as a Passive House Designer.
Alexandra Mangina is a Civil Engineer and a Certified PH Designer.