Welcome to RINNO
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About FOB

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FOB was founded on 3 February, 1942 as a social housing association. As of 1 January, 2021, FOB Slagelse is merged with FOB Kalundborg, and today is one of the largest public housing companies in West Zealand with youth, elderly, and family housing in Slagelse and Kalundborg.

FOB is a member-owned organisation. This means that the tenants have the opportunity to influence decisions in their departments.

FOB’s purpose is to build, rent out, manage and modernise subsidised housing and provide residents with safe and good housing. FOB is constantly working to optimise and improve departments, and the 4,300+ tenancies are generally of a high standard.

Role in the Project

FOB will provide the pilot demo site in Denmark and support activities related to pilot site’s surveys, use cases, and application scenarios, thus providing important feedback arising from its expertise, know-how, and experience in the renovation of existing buildings.

Key Personnel

Lars Kyhl


Lars Kyhl works as a building advisor / project manager and is responsible for  FOB’s new constructions and renovations such as Slagelse, the RINNO demo site.