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Work Package 1 focuses on the definition of system requirements and the use cases. It also includes the definition of a building renovation, a relevant list of KPIs for the RINNO evaluation and impact assessment in technical, economic, environmental and social terms as well as the overall RINNO architecture.
- Define the requirements in terms of installation time, energy efficiency, occupants’ comfort, carbon footprint etc.;
- Clarify the legal renovation procedures;
- Identify pilot special needs and existing infrastructures of pilot premises through on-site pilot surveys;
- Define RINNO’s KPIs regarding efficiency, eco-friendliness, smart readiness, thermal comfort and cost effectiveness (among others);
- Define the functional and technical specifications of the RINNO Suite Architecture and integration roadmap
Work Package 2 aims to gather all relevant and robust information related to the RINNO Renovation Repository.
- Gather information related to
- the modular building envelope solutions,
- the RES harvesting solutions,
- the storage solutions, and
- the multi-functional hybrid retrofitting solutions;
- Deliver ready-to-be demonstrated in real environment novel technologies for deep renovation,
- Deliver ready-to-enter the market novel technologies for deep renovation.
Work Package 3 focuses on the core development of the RINNO Toolkit for improving the building renovation design phase.
- Deliver an immersive building capturing and mapping toolbox;
- Deliver the Digital Twining and Scenario Definition for the generation of potential renovation scenarios;
- Deliver a Renovation Simulation & Assessment Toolbox for assessing energy, environmental and techno-economic aspects of the renovation scenarios;
- Deliver the Renovation Optimiser and Planner to support the renovation optimised decision making integrating the tools above and increase occupant’s acceptance of deep-energy renovations.
Work Package 4 sets up and proposes the different retrofitting process strategies and the retrofitting improvements.
- Design and propose modular construction strategies well-fitted to the RINNO off/on-site selected Modular, Plug-n-Play solutions
- Deliver a fast-responsive on-site renovation and monitoring toolkit
- Deliver a supply chain and renovation process optimization toolkit
- Implement AR “On-the-Job” training services for the efficient and attractive workers training and support
- Deliver a “Retrofitting Manager Environment” for managing and optimizing the renovation process
Work Package 5 is dedicated to the development of the RINNO Operational Platform with Augmented Intelligence.
- IoT-middleware for the management and control of the buildings;
- Algorithms for supporting the benchmarking and performance decisions for the optimal building operation;
- Personalized, dynamic and multi-purpose dashboard for visualizing building operational performance;
- Marketplace and social collaboration platform for improving the cooperation of the stakeholders at all renovation phases;
- Smart contracts and secure transactions for the supply chain;
- Introduction of an optional scheme for BPRs through the RINNO logbook.
Work Package 6 focuses on the integration activities, as well as the organisation and execution of the large-scale demonstrations.
- Deliver the integrated RINNO Suite, followed by a series of acceptance tests for its validation in the pre-pilot site;
- Train stakeholders for using the RINNO Suite and its components;
- Deploy the RINNO Suite under real conditions at four (4) large demo sites;
- Define and evaluate the RINNO offered solutions, under real-time conditions, with the use of a KPIs list;
- Prepare a Replicability analysis based on the evaluation findings.
Work Package 7 is dedicated to the RINNO impact assessment and to the innovative RINNO business models exclusively.
- Analyze different technical and financial references of circular economy procedures & strategies to present the most plausible future benefits from a business modelling perspective.
- Perform the impact assessment of RINNO technologies/solution from a circular economy perspective implemented in the business’ strategies in general, and specifically for the demo cases.
- Develop the anticipated cost-sharing business models in line with the above circular economy framework.
- Elaborate on the appropriate finance models and develop the crowd-equity/ crowd-lending scheme for deep renovation.
Work Package 8 facilitates the implementation of a joint exploitation strategy, on-going assessment, as well as dissemination and exploitation activities.
- Develop and implement a strategy for the individual and joint exploitation of the project;
- Openly and proactively disseminate and promote RINNO’s progress and results to a wide group of stakeholders;
- Raise awareness, build consensus, and create visible/measurable impact to exploit lessons learned and best practices based on the experience of RINNO;
- Implement an on-going assessment process to identify issues affecting RINNO’s exploitation;
- Align, liaise and promote the activities of RINNO with standardisation bodies, European clusters and complementary initiatives at EU and International levels.
Work Package 9 will facilitate the project execution by introducing project management, ethics managements, intellectual property rights protection and standardisation.
- Coordinate the technological and scientific orientation of the project, to ensure the delivery of the project on time and within the budget;
- Guarantee high-quality standards at all levels and to guarantee the accomplishment of the objectives;
- Manage resources, monitor the overall project performance and manage risks, ethics, and contingencies.