RINNO Deliverable 8.4 provides a detailed overview of the RINNO project website at https://rinnoh2020.eu/ and presents initial dissemination material that has been designed for the project at M3. The RINNO website acts as a central repository of the latest news, deliverables, presentations and other dissemination material related to the project.
RINNO Deliverable 8.4 is structured as follows. Following an introduction, Section 2 describes the overall website structure and content of each specific page. Section 3 describes the GDPR cookie consent solution implemented on the website. Usability considerations, such as pages style, layouts and browser compatibility, page load speed are reported in Section 4. Section 5 discuss the measurement analytics tools implemented at M3. Section 6 discusses search engine optimization. Section 7 presents other preliminary dissemination material that has been created to maximise the visibility of the project and engagement with different stakeholders at M3. Section 8 presents the social media channels to promote the project and disseminate the associated research outputs. The document closes with a brief summary of the information reported in the deliverable.