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Innovation through novel renovation technologies, work duration reduction and optimized energy, indoor air quality and comfort monitoring.


Residence Sarrazins, Lille, France.

Scope of Renovation

The Residence Sarrazins Project aims to renovate and improve the energy performance of its assets to optimize the comfort of tenants and reduce rental charges/energy bills in order to fight against energy poverty.

Renovation will be implemented within the framework of a European consortium by adapting new technologies, reducing the duration of work done on an occupied site and optimizing the building’s energy, indoor air quality and comfort monitoring. Reducing energy consumption and lowering maintenance costs are the main objectives of this renovation project.


  • 30 small/medium-sized multi-family residential apartments categorised into energy class E (total habitable area: 1,120 m²);
  • Centralized gas boiler (with condensation) installed on roof, but used only for collective space heating. High temperature radiators in use without thermostatic valves;
  • Facades are oriented East/West with double glazed PVC windows and no insulation;
  • Decentralized domestic hot water production enabled via electrical tanks, no hot water return systems

Partner responsible

Transformation measures

  • Integration of renewable sources
  • Biological insulation of external facades and renovation of the energy system
  • Installation of energy efficient windows (PVC double glazing)
  • Heat recovery of exhaust air
  • Implementation of a more efficient energy production system (collective heating and domestic hot water production through hot water storage, a condensing boiler, a heat pump, an efficient electric radiator etc.)
  • Use of the RINNO Planning & Design Assistant and employment of a RINNO Renovation Workflow & Transaction Manager
  • On-site and off-site assembly of prefabricated solutions using cobots/robots and 3D printing
  • Active involvement of tenants, who will vote on the amount of work and the impact of the rent increase

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